The Books Synopsis

Ten-year-old Chuka loves the Huachuca Mountains. Though they’re home to dangers like rattlesnakes, rockslides, and black bears, they’re also a place of great beauty. With his half-wolf dog Winatuk, he leaves his home on the Ahsencharo Indian Reservation as often as possible to roam the foothills in search of adventure.

  Chuka’s family has taught him how to survive any threats he might encounter and he always brings the knife, bow and arrows that his grandfather gave him. But as Chuka discovers, keeping himself alive is the easy part. The greater challenge is helping others in need—even when doing so might get him into trouble.

  Set in a time before cell phones and video games, The Adventures of Chuka will appeal to any kid (and adult) who’s faced a simple choice: Do what I should do, or do what I must.